A downloadable tool

Solotility is a text-editor and management tool for planning, keeping track of work and to-do lists for your projects.

Unlike most similar applications Solotility does not support collaboration projects or any network features, as a solo-dev I found no need for such features which is why I created this tool instead of using already existing tools, to get a less complex application and a tool that allow me to work offline ( But most of all, I just wanted to try coding something that's not a game to be honest ^^ ). With that said, Solotility is, for obvious reasons, best suited for solo-developers.

// Features

- Create & manage catalogs in the solution to organize your work
- Create work items for tasks, notes, bugs, features to plan your work or to keep track of what need to be done. Switch state of the item between Active, Closed, Obsolete, Prioritized or Deprecated to help keep track of it's status
- Create node maps to test value scaling for intended game mechanics or plan dialogue trees.
- Link items for quick access and an overview of work related to a specific work item.
- Add tags to items, this is useful if you wish to Search the entire solution for all work items of a specific tag.
- List Filter & Search functionality helps you hide items that you don't wish to see in the item list
- Use the Build Manager to manage Build ID's, they function as "item groups", items reference an ID, this helps keep track of the progression of a specific group of items.
- Project Overview window to allow you to create goals, keep track of the progression toward full completion of items with a specific tag or build ID.
- Store items in a template list, a clone of the item template can later be used as base when creating a new item.

Tags can be used in the item editor to stylize text.

<h>text</h>, creates a header. Header font size and color can be set in the Application options window
<i>italic</h>, creates italic text
"text", marks the text with a color specified in application options window
Indentation, marks the text with a color specified in application options window
-text, marks the text with a color specified in application options window
(text), encapsulated text is colored with a color specified in application options window


SolotilitySetup.msi 2 MB

Install instructions

Download and run the SolotilitySetup.msi installer.

Start the application by using the desktop shortcut to "Solution Organizer Utility" ( Solotility ) or open the directory in which you saved the application and run the executable.

Create a new solution ( project ) from the start menu.

Development log

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